70. What Are You Doing For Yourself?

THE GiRLS ROOM - A podcast by Marissa Contelmo


Welcome back to my ~GLAMOROUS~ life!!!!!!!!!! Happy Finale of April Showers of Self Love!!!!!! Recently I was asked the question "What are you doing for yourself?". If I was asked this question a month ago the answer would be nothing. With the help from the conversations with this months guests - Deja, Sam and Sadie, prioritizing my time and putting myself first, I now have a lot to say for my answer. In this episode I break down and explain all the things I have recently been doing for myself on a daily basis to benefit my mental health and make me happy.  This episode felt truly electric for me and I am so happy to be doing what I love surrounded by people who constantly support me.  I love you all so much <3  TGR FOREVER!!  Links:  Deja's Twitter: https://twitter.com/clementdeja?lang=en Sam's IG: https://www.instagram.com/water_and_grow/ Sadie's IG: https://www.instagram.com/shepersistedpodcast/ Sadie's Website: https://www.shepersistedpodcast.com/ Headspace: https://www.headspace.com/ Smiling Mind App: https://www.smilingmind.com.au/ Helpful resources: Mental Health America: https://mhanational.org/ Anxiety & Depression Association of America: https://adaa.org/ National Institute of Mental Health: https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/find-help/index.shtml Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine: https://www.adolescenthealth.org/Resources/Clinical-Care-Resources/Mental-Health/Mental-Health-Resources-For-Adolesc.aspx Mental Health Literacy: https://mentalhealthliteracy.org/ National Alliance on Mental Health: https://www.nami.org/home