Episode 75: Gene Morgan
The Global Lithium Podcast - A podcast by Joe Lowry

My guest for Episode 75 is Gene Morgan the CEO of brine field services provider Zelandez. Gene has an interesting story that starts in New Zealand, moves to oil fields in various parts of the world before an invitation to Bolivia led to both meeting his wife and, ultimately, a career change to lithium. We discuss the various services Zelandez provides to lithium explorers, developers and producers. Gene has a unique window on the lithium space interacting with a wide array of current and future producers. Having started my career with an oil exploration and production company I have long believed that the lithium industry has a lot to learn from the much larger and technologically advanced oil business. If you want to know more about the future of brine production in South America, then this is episode is for you. The name Zelandez should be familiar to you since they have been a loyal sponsor of the Global Lithium Podcast since the early days.