Episode 88: Minviro & Life Cycle Assessments
The Global Lithium Podcast - A podcast by Joe Lowry

Episode 88: Minviro / Life Cycle Assessments Robert Pell and Alex Grant from Minviro, pioneers in producing Life Cycle Assessments for the lithium industry, are my guests. Minviro is focused on the environmental portion of the emerging and increasingly significant field of ESG. We discuss: The development, importance and value of life cycle assessments Impact categories Properly quantifying results vs “tick the box” exercises The need for 3rd party reviews OEMs desire for ESG compliant material but unwillingness to invest in it How seriously life cycle assessments are being taken by the industry And for those of you that are Ayn Rand fans, after this episode you may be asking “Who is Sarah?” instead of “Who is John Galt?”