Are You Making it About the Money?

Marketing Chaos - A podcast by Lauren Marie


Are the decisions that you're making in your business about the money? You're probably going, "Well, it's a business, shouldn't it be about the money?" Well, yes and no. Include money in your choices, but not make your choices about the money. Because when you do that you start to make your business and your life smaller and smaller. You stop choosing what is going to create your business and create your life and you start diminishing that in favor of, "Well, I can afford it, or this is the right choice based on the amount of money I have or I don't have". That is not actually going to create a greater future for you or for your business. So, when you're making choices, you want to ask, "What will this choice create?" And not have it be, "Can I afford this?". If you get a sense of the energy of those two questions, which one is more expansive? It's almost backwards, we think we have to have the money before we make the choice. Actually we have to make the choice, and the money will follow. Ask for money to show up, and allow the contribution of the universe to support you financially and in all other ways. Include the money in your ask, but don't make it about the money.