Why Your Last Name Matters
The Godly Young Men Podcast - A podcast by Focus Press - Tuesdays

How often do you think about your last name? In this episode, Joe & Will discuss the importance of your last name and why godly young men should care about it. Specific topics include: The weight your last name carries Why should you even care about your last name? Why you should think about more than just the immediate Making decisions that will reflect poorly on your family What do you want your family name to mean? And much more! For more, visit www.focuspress.org To join our DISCORD: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfDiTTdhWQsWHXGrigck59Du8fRPdjOhP4aO6REeYksIkIlhw/viewform?usp=header To shop our MERCH STORE: https://godlyyoungmen.printful.me/