011: Inside the World of Cannabis-Infused Beverages with Keith Villa

The Green Repeal - A Guide to Cannabis Marketing & Advertising - A podcast by Rick Kiley & Jeffrey Boedges - Tuesdays


The cannabis beverage space is a fascinating one. Much like the craft beer movement, which grew from the work of a few hobbyists in the 1980s and 1990s into a multibillion dollar industry today, we’re seeing pioneers invent new product categories, take big chances, and create new consumer experiences.  In Colorado, Keith Villa is doing exactly that. After founding Blue Moon Brewing Company and retiring from MillerCoors after 32 years in the world of beer, he and his wife have launched CERIA - a line of non-alcoholic beverages that drink like beers, but contain 0.0% alcohol and are infused with THC and CBD. He brings a deep understanding of the alcohol industry and the science of brewing to this nascent field, and has created a new product designed to serve as a replacement for alcohol - buzz, taste, and all. Today, Keith joins the podcast to share stories from his time at Blue Moon, including how he brewed the first pumpkin beer (and chicken beer, for that matter), the unique challenges in the cannabis beverage space, and talk about where he sees this industry going in the years to come.  KEY TAKEAWAYS What brought Keith out of retirement to start CERIA - and how he began to experiment with CBD and THC-infused beverages. The specific qualifications that define a beverage as beer - and why it’s so hard to brew with cannabis in particular. The misunderstandings around cannabis and its effects in beverages - and why Keith is so excited about the new cannabinoids currently being researched and explored.  Why the alcohol Tax and Trade Bureau will likely never approve a cannabis-infused alcoholic beverage, even in the event of federal legalization - and the scientific reasoning behind this. How Keith approximates the buzz of alcohol in dosing his products. Why Keith believes 2022-2025 will be a crucial time for federal legalization.  Show Notes For complete show notes, including transcripts, takeaways, and links to all the resources mentioned, visit SoHoExp.com/11 To learn more about the podcast and get access to all episodes, visit: SoHoExp.com/GreenRepeal