Hope Lives :: Louie Giglio, Shelley Giglio, Emily Vogeltanz, Hannah Brencher, & Hannah Rinehart

The Grove Podcast - A podcast by The Grove - Passion City Church

In this episode, we hear from Louie and Shelley Giglio - pastors of Passion City Church, Emily Vogeltanz - Global Ambassador for The Grove, author Hannah Brencher, and Atlanta-based Licensed Professional Counselor Hannah Rinehart as they discuss finding victory while fighting mental illness. They define what it looks like to deal with a mental illness, discuss some of their own personal struggles with these challenges, and explain what is most helpful when walking with a loved one through the darkness. This episode was recorded live at the Grove in Atlanta, GA. If you are interested in more resources from Hannah Brencher, check out hannahbrenchercreative.com. To find more from Louie Giglio, visit louiegiglio.com. If you would like more resources for dealing with mental illness, please email [email protected].