Why your mindset is vital if you want a successful practice (and tips to improve yours)

The Grow Your Private Practice Show - A podcast by Jane Travis


If you're a therapist and you want a successful private practice, then your mindset is vital.But what do I even mean by mindset? Why is it so important? And how can you go about improving yours?In this episode, I explore why your mindset is vital if you want a successful practice. I also share some questions for reflection and tips for improving yours.And check out some of my other podcasts about mindset below. Links to followNOTE I said in the podcast I'd share links to my podcasts on mindset, but I hadn't realised there were so many! I've recorded 112 episodes and probably 30% are to do with mindset in some way because it's so important.So I recommend browsing through my previous podcasts to see the mindset episodes. And grab my free guide 'How to attract therapy clients by helping now selling'