Do We Genuinely ADD VALUE?

The Guest List with Steve Guest - A podcast by MonkeyPants Productions - Fridays


This weeks solo podcast we chat through areas that you can look at that can help you improve and add value – ways in which you can understand your market and implement ways of working that will improve your ability to separate from the rest….   One key area, I really want to hit home is that for me, ADDING VALUE is about going over and above the expectation and doing things where there is no expectation of return   Can you, hand on heart, say this is you? If not, what are you going to do to change?   Listen in and let me know what you think     If you are still here, then you are clearly seeking more from your journey through life You already know you have greater potential and a much bigger calling & simply need to spend as much of your time around the right people – you know, those individuals that motivate, inspire, empower and challenge….   That is why this podcast was created. Come and join us   Top Biller – The Life of a Recruiter Book Links   PAPERBACK COPY   DIGITAL COPY