#17 - An Interview with Naila from London Cushions

The Handmade Business Podcast - A podcast by Anna Panteli


This week Lynsey and Anna are really honoured to be interviewing the wonderful Naila from London Cushions Naila shares with us her journey from sitting with her Grandma in Pakistan watching her create and being inspired by what she could achieve with her hands. To journeying to England and starting a family then realising that she needed to begin her own entrepreneurial business journey. Naila has been featured in books, publications and on TV where she not only shares her fascinating and inspiring life, but also offers her expert knowledge in starting a handmade business. Listen out the end for some real golden pieces of advice! London Cushions creates handcrafted cushions, textiles and more. Naila not only creates the cushions from fabric she has lovingly sourced, she also designs and carves the blocks used to stamp the fabric.  We really enjoyed this interview and hope you do too! Please do leave us a review over on iTunes and don't forget to subscribe so you never miss a new release. You can find us over on iTunes, Stitcher and Spotify Podcasts... Oh and if you subscribe to our newsletter (at the bottom of our main homepage here) you can get access to our e-book on how to take great photos for your Handmade Business. ---- Here's today's Show Notes! London Cushions Website London Cushions on Etsy London Cushions on IG Your Story with Musart (featuring Naila) ____________________________ https://www.thehandmadebusinesspodcast.co.uk/   Lynsey’s Pages: @LynseyWarrenCoaching  @RaindropCrafts @TheHandmadeCraftFair Lynsey Warren Website  RaindropCrafts111 on Etsy The Handmade Business Hub by Lynsey Warren  Etsy Success Toolkit  -- Anna's Pages @AnnasPlanners Annas Planners on Etsy Memories and More Gifts  Jewellery and Gems Co  The Pastel Cactus Co