Episode 10 - Have a Handmade Business? Here is why you need a coach!

The Handmade Business Podcast - A podcast by Anna Panteli


On today's episode Lynsey and Anna are talking about coaching, mentoring and accountability partners (all one in the same but all very different!). Lynsey herself is The Handmade Business Coach and she goes into detail about why she hired a coach years ago, how this pushed her to become a coach herself, and how she believes coaching can help anyone who is starting their own handmade biz! Truly everyone should have a coach!  Lynsey has been Anna's coach in the past and although they are now business besties, Lynsey regularly coaches Anna and pushes her to get through those emotional walls and blockages she has when doing something outside her normal comfort zone. If you are starting a handmade biz or you are getting established but are coming up against barriers to success. Look o further, Lynsey is here to 'Help Crafters Turn Their Hobby Into A Profitable Business'. Schedule a Discovery Call Check Out The Coaching Store Join In With The Handmade Craft Fair RaindropCrafts (Lynsey's Fairies) Podcast Website (Sign up to our newsletter and get a Free 'Photography E-Book') +++++ Lynsey’s Pages: @LynseyWarrenCoaching  @TheHandmadeCraftFair Lynsey Warren Website  The Handmade Business Hub by Lynsey Warren  Etsy Success Toolkit +++++ Anna’s Pages @AnnasPlanners  Anna’s Planners on Etsy Memories and More Gifts  Jewellery and Gems Co  The Pastel Cactus Co