Dr. John Mark Haney - When Your Spouse Has Been Unfaithful
The Happy Home Podcast with Arlene Pellicane - A podcast by AccessMore - Mondays

Infidelity is one of the most painful things, if not the most painful thing that can happen in a marriage. Can you rebuild a happy home again afterward? Dr. John Mark Haney has not only lived through this experience, he's helped others recover from the pain of infidelity through his counseling practice. In today's conversation, you'll learn: 2:30 My life was deconstructed and everything was falling apart 4:00 There’s a stereotype that if there’s infidelity, it’s the male that strayed, but that wasn’t the case 5:20 Meeting Leslie and the rest is history 7:30 The difference with infidelity pain 9:00 One of the biggest myths about infidelity 10:20 How do I know whether I should leave the unfaithful partner or work on the marriage? 13:30 What’s the general timeline of recovery that you’ve seen in your counseling? 16:00 This isn’t about getting back to the status quo…this is about building a different marriage 18:00 Giving place to grief 19:10 How to talk with your kids about the infidelity - or should you talk about it at all? 20:45 Common mistakes made with children 23:00 Do we need to tell our kids about past infidelity? 25:10 The dark night of the soul 27:10 What forgiveness is and isn’t 29:00 Pain as the scalpel used to better me…I’m a transformed person Dr. John Mark Haney has his Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin and is best known for his work in recovery from the pain of infidelity. He’s trained and certified in sex therapy, EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing), and Emotional Transformation Therapy. He and his wife Leslie co-wrote Harboring Hope, an online program for betrayed spouses. Dr. Haney will be speaking at the upcoming Hope Rising conference specifically designed for betrayed spouses. It’s happening online on September 30. It's the only conference I know of for both men and women who have experienced betrayal. You can live stream the event or watch it on demand afterward. Register here affairrecovery.com/hope-rising Need just a little fine-tuning? Read my books 31 Days to Becoming a Happy Wife and 31 Days to a Happy Husband. More Resources for Your Family: Arlene's Free Marriage Webinar -- Get Unstuck in Your Marriage. If you feel stuck in a rut or you've just lost that lovin' feeling, register for Arlene's free marriage webinar. Subscribe to Arlene's free email list for a monthly resource to help your home. happyhomeuniversity.com/subscribe Watch a VIDEO clip from the podcast on Arlene's new Happy Home YouTube Channel youtube.com/@arlenehappyhome Save 25% on God’s Big Promises Bible at TheGoodBook.com/GodsBigPromises Use code Happy at Checkout.