Dr. Michael Guillen - Talking about Science with Your Kids

The Happy Home Podcast with Arlene Pellicane - A podcast by AccessMore - Mondays

Has your child ever asked you a science question that you couldn’t answer? Scientist Dr. Michael Guillen is with us to explain why science and God are not at odds; in fact, they are a power couple. You'll be equipped to talk about science with your kids with more confidence after listening to today's conversation about:  4:00 I must have shocked my parents when I had an interest in science  8:20 Why science is not hostile to God  9:00 I started asking questions about the origin of the universe  12:00 Exploring the world religions for answers science could not answer  14:00 Not only are science and Christianity compatible, they are a power couple, and here’s why  16:10 Look at nature and it will show you the glory of God…let creation speak!  18:40 What to say when your kids are taught they are so similar to chimps  23:10 Don’t spin science one way or the other  27:00 Love without truth is a delusion  28:00 When your child learns about evolution… Dr. Michael Guillen is a three-time Emmy award winner, bestselling author, and former ABC news science editor. He is a UCLA grad and earned his doctorate at Cornell in physics, mathematics, and astronomy. He taught physics at Harvard and hosts the Science and God podcast on AccessMore.  Get Dr. Guillen's book, Let Creation Speak! You're invited to the Parents Rising Conference on March 2, 2024, in San Diego, CA. Speakers include Dr. Gary Chapman, Arlene, Bill & Pam Farrel, and Sally Burke. Early bird pricing is available now! happyhomeuniversity.com/conference More Resources for Your Family: Arlene's Free Marriage Webinar -- Get Unstuck in Your Marriage. If you feel stuck in a rut or you've just lost that lovin' feeling, register for Arlene's free marriage webinar here.  Subscribe to Arlene's free email list to get tech news and more to help your home. happyhomeuniversity.com/subscribe Watch a VIDEO clip from the podcast on Arlene's Happy Home YouTube Channel @arlenehappyhome Special thanks to HireMyMom.com