Hooked on Games with Dr. Andrew and Julie Doan Part 1

The Happy Home Podcast with Arlene Pellicane - A podcast by AccessMore - Mondays

Is video gaming helping or hurting your child? If you've ever wondered if your son or daughter is addicted to video games, you must hear what Dr. Andrew and Julie Doan have to say. How did this successful Johns Hopkins-educated doctor survive as an adult gamer playing 80-100 hours a week? Here's what you need to know about digitial addiction to keep your child's brain safe and healthy, especially during the pandemic. Part 2 of this conversation coming next episode. Learn more about Dr. Andrew Doan's book, Hooked on Games - https://www.amazon.com/Hooked-Games-Video-Internet-Addiction/dp/193557602X Arlene's book with Dr. Gary Chapman, Screen Kids: https://5lovelang uages.com/screenkids/ and the web event, Winning the Screen Wars. https://webevents.5lovelanguages.com/screen-wars