Scott Turansky - Why Rewards and Punishments Don't Work

The Happy Home Podcast with Arlene Pellicane - A podcast by AccessMore - Mondays

Your child has disobeyed you for the tenth time and it's only 9 AM. How do you get your children to do what you tell them to do? Maybe you've tried rewards and punishments but find they aren't working as well as they used to. Dr. Scott Turansky will fill your parenting toolbox with exactly what you need to reach the heart of your child effectively and thus change behavior. This is an episode you won't want to miss if you have been frustrated with your child's behavior or attitude lately. In today's conversation, you'll learn: 2:25 What is meant by the word "heart"? Is it the same as emotions? 4:55 How to be firm with your children while maintaining the love in your relationship 10:30 Training yourself to become a firmer parent 12:28 When correcting your child, try this instead of a time-out 17:50 How to “take a break” even with your teen 19:39 What if my child is totally unmotivated to do the right thing? 22:53 Start with spiritual development 26:28 How to think positively about your child when they are not cooperating Dr. Scott Turansky is the co-founder of the National Center for Biblical Parenting. He holds two master's degrees from Western Seminary and his doctorate from Fuller. He and his wife Carrie have 5 children and 11 grandchildren. He’s been a pastor for more than 40 years and has trained over 400 parent coaches. He’s written several books including "Motivate Your Child" and the "Christian Parenting Handbook". Learn about Dr. Turansky and the book we talked about on today's episode, Parenting is Heart Work at Great news! The Parents Rising Conference can now be experienced at home! Purchase access to the conference videos and mp3s at Have a question for Arlene to address on the podcast? Please email Arlene your questions and the topics you want covered on the show! [email protected] More Resources for Your Family: Subscribe to Arlene's free email list where she shares what she is learning in her home for yours. Watch a VIDEO clip from the podcast on Arlene's Happy Home YouTube Channel @arlenehappyhome Every girl deserves a faith-filled adventure click here for the NIV Kingdom Girls Bible