Sissy Goff - The Worry Free Parent

The Happy Home Podcast with Arlene Pellicane - A podcast by AccessMore - Mondays

Kids and parents are way more anxious than they were in the 90s. What is happening to make anxiety so contagious and common? Pull up a chair for an illuminating, truth-filled conversation with counselor Sissy Goff as she shares principles from her new book, The Worry-Free Parent. In this conversation, you'll learn:  3:30 The two things you need to hear right now as a parent   4:25 What’s changed in counseling today versus the '90s  7:20 How does our anxiety rub off on our kids?  10:10 Which parenting style do you identify with?   14:30 Neuroplasticity - What happens if we keep reinforcing our worried brain?   18:00 I hear so much about parents who compare themselves to other parents on social media   19:10 Try this if you have a hard time falling asleep  21:30 Let go of the bottom 20%  24:00 My mom is more nurturing to me when I have panic attacks… 26:00 When parents have anxious thoughts, I want you to reframe this way  28:30 How to create more security at home with these two things Sissy Goff is the director of child and adolescent counseling at Daystar Counseling Ministries in Nashville. She speaks across the country and cohosts the popular Raising Boys and Girls with David Thomas. Sissy has authored several books such as Raising Worry Free Girls.  Learn more about Sissy and her latest book, The Worry-Free Parent at Follow Sissy on Instagram @sissygoff You're invited to the Parents Rising Conference in San Diego on March 2, 2024. Learn more here More Resources for Your Family: Arlene's Free Marriage Webinar -- Get Unstuck in Your Marriage. If you feel stuck in a rut or you've just lost that lovin' feeling, register for Arlene's free marriage webinar. Subscribe to Arlene's free email list for a monthly resource to help your home. Watch a VIDEO clip from the podcast on Arlene's new Happy Home YouTube Channel Special thanks to