Happy Hour #305: Megan Lively

The Happy Hour with Jamie Ivey - A podcast by Ivey Media Podcasts

My guest for The Happy Hour #305 is Megan Lively. Megan has worked in social media marketing and management since 2008. In 2019, she transitioned away from that and is now using her experience, education, and love for the church to equip the church in the area of social media through Relevant Reach. I first met Megan at an ERLC (Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission) Conference in Dallas where we were both invited to speak. While I was there to talk about how to care for friends as they heal from abuse, Megan was there to share boldly and for the first time about her own story of being raped while in Seminary and the subsequent trauma and retraumatization she has endured and begun to heal from. In today’s episode, Megan shares her story with us much like she did that day in Dallas. We discuss how we process trauma and PTSD, the effects shame has on victims of abuse, and how these events have shaped her relationship with God and with the church. Megan tells us about the healing ways people have responded to her story, like her husband and her pastor and, unfortunately, how she encountered times where “Instead of people viewing [her] as an image-bearer, they viewed [her] as someone who was there to make life messy for the church -- and the church needs to be protected.” Friends, today’s episode is important for so many reasons. I’m incredibly grateful for Megan’s vulnerability, bravery, and willingness to share with all of us today!   My prayer is that if you or someone you know has experienced or is experiencing abuse, you will be encouraged to reach out to a loved one and a counselor. This should not happen to you and it’s not okay. If you are someone who has been told of abuse, I pray that you can be an empathetic listener and take action to support them.