4 Liberating Truths About Niching That Will Help You Sign More Clients

The Heart Centered Entrepreneur - A podcast by Anna Rapp - Tuesdays


Visit today's blog post here. Hi sweet friends. I'm so excited to chat with you about four liberating truths that will help you when it comes to your niche, your message, and your marketing. I really wish I had this training when I started my business because when you start your online business, you are obviously passionate about whatever it is you’re doing, but marketing and sales is a whole other skillset and that takes time to learn. I know for me, it took six months to click and I really don't want it to take that long for you if you're at the start of your business or if you're really not consistently making money yet, it could be because you don't get marketing. So this is like a marketing pep talk and I hope this is helpful for you. –– Connect with Anna on Instagram: @heartcentered.entrepreneur The Heart Centered Entrepreneur Podcast is produced by Heart Centered Podcasting.