MONOLOGUE#10 | Whatever You Build + Empty Cans

The Heart - A podcast by Kaitlin Prest


Artist and business owner Doreen Toutikian, founder of Beirut Design Week (and many other beautiful things that she’s had to leave in her past due to war) sits down with KP on February 23rd 2024 and performs monologue #10: Taima Okasha. She reflects on growing up hiding from bombs, the “Palestinian exception” anti-Palestinian racism in the arts and her fears of what might happen to her own home, Lebanon, if Israel is not stopped. Six months and many voice memos later, some of the fears Doreen expressed in her interview start to occur as Israel attacks Lebanon. "This is some black mirror shit. We've never seen anything like this." says Doreen. Support Doreen's newest venture Omgyno!Help the Jaber Trifecta finish med school!