What Is the Dream Church | Interviewing Greg Waybright Part 2

The Henry Center Archive - A podcast by The Henry Center for Theological Understanding - Tuesdays

[Discussion/interview date: March 26th 2009] The Center was pleased to welcome Trinity's former president back to campus. Dr. Waybright addressed the subject of ecclesiology through consideration of two passages in Ephesians. His talks are entitled "The Dream Church". His first sermon covered Ephesians 1:3-14 and is entitled "God's Idea--Not Mine", while his second covered Ephesians 2:11-22 and is entitled "From Dream to Reality." Gregory Waybright (PhD Marquette University) is President Emeritus of Trinity International University (1995-2007). He has also pastored churches in California, Wisconsin, and Illinois. Visit the HCTU website: https://henrycenter.tiu.edu/ Subscribe to the HCTU Newsletter: https://bit.ly/326pRL5 Connect with us! https://twitter.com/henry_center https://www.facebook.com/henrycenter/ https://www.instagram.com/thehenrycenter/ https://www.linkedin.com/company/thehenrycenter