Where Is God in Suffering | Alan Torrance
The Henry Center Archive - A podcast by The Henry Center for Theological Understanding - Tuesdays
Lecture Title - Where is God? The Continuing Priesthood of Christ and Human Suffering It is assumed that the most relevant question in contexts of suffering is the “Why?” question: “Why has God allowed this to happen?” Gallons of ink have been spilled on “theodicies” that seek to defend belief in a good God in the face of human suffering. It is not clear that any answer has proved either convincing or helpful. In this talk, Torrance will argue that it is the “Where?” question (Where is God?) that is most pertinent to the struggles of those suffering loneliness, pain and bereavement. To this question, the Gospel provides a profound response that is more pastorally relevant and, indeed, intellectually satisfying than speculative answers to the “Why?” question. Alan J. Torrance (Dr Theol University of Erlangen-Nuremberg) is Emeritus Professor of Systematic Theology at the University of St. Andrews. He is author of Persons in Communion: Trinitarian Description and Human Participation (T&T Clark, 1996) and co-editor of The Doctrine of God and Theological Ethics (T&T Clark, 2006). The Henry Center for Theological Understanding provides theological resources that help bridge the gap between the academy and the church. It houses a cluster of initiatives, each of which is aimed at applying practical Christian wisdom to important kingdom issues—for the good of the church, for the soul of the theological academy, for the sake of the world, and ultimately for the glory of God. The HCTU seeks to ground each of these initiatives in Scripture, and it pursues these goals collaboratively, in order to train a new generation of wise interpreters of the Word—lay persons and scholars alike—for the sake of tomorrow’s church, academy, and world. Visit the HCTU website: https://henrycenter.tiu.edu/ Subscribe to the HCTU Newsletter: https://bit.ly/326pRL5 Connect with us! https://twitter.com/henry_center https://www.facebook.com/henrycenter/ https://www.instagram.com/thehenrycenter/ https://www.linkedin.com/company/thehenrycenter