65. Foundations for Success: THIS Is What Happens Before All Good Things

The HER Effect® - A podcast by Jaime Cross

Hello, beauty! Jaime here, and welcome back to the Her Effect podcast. As we step into a series on Kingdom success, I want to ground us in the essentials that pave the way for true prosperity in every aspect of our lives. Today’s episode is about laying a foundation that aligns our hearts with God’s word, transforming mere knowledge into active, life-changing faith. Links: Join the TRIBE Get Text From Jaime Daily To Help EmpowHER: https://www.empowherdaily.com   Quick Episode Summary: 0:00 Opening Reflections: Today, we're setting the stage for a profound exploration of what it means to live a life marked by Kingdom success, starting with the powerful lessons from Genesis on God's promises to Abraham. 1:00 Defining True Prosperity: Let's debunk myths about poverty and holiness, and redefine prosperity as a righteous path designed by God for His people, encompassing everything from personal finances to thriving relationships. 2:00 Kingdom Prosperity Principles: I’ll introduce the five key principles of success that are about to unfold in our series, guiding you to prosper in every facet of your life by aligning with biblical truths. 3:00 The Role of Faith: Understanding faith as an action word, critical in shifting the knowledge from our heads to our hearts, making us active participants in God's plan rather than passive recipients. 6:00 Spiritual Responsibility: We'll discuss how prosperity is not just about receiving but also about being faithful stewards of what God entrusts to us, from little to much. 8:00 Covenant Promises and Personal Accountability: Exploring the balance between God’s promises and our responsibilities, and how aligning our desires with God’s intentions is key to unlocking true abundance. 10:00 Visions and Dreams: Encouraging you to dream big and to see those dreams as God-given visions for your life, which are practical and achievable under His guidance. 14:00 Obedience and Fruitfulness: Delve into the practical aspects of obedience to God’s word and how it leads to measurable outcomes, proving our faith through actions. 16:00 The Journey of Entrepreneurship: Sharing personal insights on the entrepreneurial journey and how every small step taken in faith contributes to larger success. 18:00 The Power of Stewardship: A call to steward our current blessings effectively, making our lives a conduit of God’s blessings to others, irrespective of our starting point. As we wrap up today’s episode, remember that the foundation of all success is a heart fully devoted to God. By understanding and applying the principles we discussed today, you're not just building a life of temporary gains but eternal significance. Let's step into this journey with open hearts and ready hands, eager to see how God will move mightily in and through us. Thank you for joining me today, beauty. I can't wait to walk through each of these principles with you in our upcoming episodes. Remember, you are designed for greatness, equipped for prosperity, and destined for success in every area of your life. Until next time, stay blessed and keep pursuing your kingdom calling with courage and faith. With love, Jaime