My Response to @George Gammon Being Wrong About Inflation
The Heresy Financial Podcast - A podcast by Joseph Brown

Is George Gammon wrong about inflation or is he wrong about being wrong about inflation? He recently did a video on his channel @Rebel Capitalist. Great video going into some of the details of personal spending power for Americans, and in this video he's saying, "The data is showing that we might not actually be in for a quick end to inflation, because it looks like the spending power for Americans (given the size of their checking accounts) is a lot larger than I thought it was. Inflation could persist a lot longer than I thought it could." I wanted to take this video to respond to that, because there was a key that he was focusing on in terms of these checking accounts for Americans. I think this is the reason why he thinks this inflation won't be able to last as long as he is saying he might think it lasts now.