Why Sound Money Discourages Investing

The Heresy Financial Podcast - A podcast by Joseph Brown


If you are watching this video, you are probably one of the elite few people who understand the massive benefits that could come to this world if we were to move back to a sound money system. Some people think that looks like Bitcoin, some people think that looks like gold, other people have opinions that it looks like something else. But for the most part, most people would agree that moving to a sound money system is better than a fiat money system where the supply can expand or contract by the sole discretion of a few unelected bureaucrats. And they do so in a way that causes malinvestment, misallocation of funds, and a destruction of wealth over time. But one thing that is largely not considered is how sound money systems actively discourage investing compared to the system that we have today. And I'm going to show you why that's actually not a bad thing. It's a feature, not a bug.