Ep 13 Shakespeare, Homosexuality and The Occult w/ "As You Like It" (No I Did Not)
The Hidden Life Is Best - A podcast by Robert Frederick

Melancholy Jakes and Melancholy Hamlet- is there an occult connection?How does Charlie Manson fit in? For full episode go to Patron.comSHOW NOTESSeven Steps To Mercy MUST SEE Shakespeare Documentary. The great Peter Amundsen debates Shakeoepare scholar. Frances Yates As You Like It 2009 As You Like It Professor Paul Cantor UVA Paul gives very enjoyable lectures even if he rushes when he reads dialogue. He has said that he has no idea what Cymbeline or Winter's Tale is about and he's been studying Shakespeare his whole life. That's some sorcery. Ganymede Chaos by Tom O’NeilMelancholia Etching By Albrecht Durerthehiddenlifeisbest.com for LOT'S MOREpatreon