She Said; Once Upon A Time In Hollywood; & The Personal Essay That 'Broke' The Internet

The High Low - A podcast by Pandora Sykes and Dolly Alderton


It's always good to start with a jolly, and this time we've found a woman who wore a dinosaur costume to her sister's wedding. Also today, we play a clip from Chanel Miller, the "Emily Doe" of the Brock Turner sexual assault case, whose memoir is soon to be published, and discuss the shocking news that domestic abuse is at a 5-year high in the UK.  This week Pandora has devoured She Said, the book by the Pulitzer prizewinning journalists Jodi Kantor and Megan Twohey who broke the Harvey Weinstein story, followed by that of Christine Blasey Ford. We discuss their impact on MeToo, *that* leaked Lisa Bloom memo and their thoughts on the Believe All Women hashtag. We also discuss Once Upon A Time In Hollywood, Tarantino's fictional re-telling of the Manson murders and the personal essay that 'broke' the internet: by the Instagram ghost-writer, Natalie Beach, which we received an unprecedented amount of requests to cover. What does the enthusiasm for this story - it was in the UK's top 5 tweets - tell us about female friendship, schadenfreude and emotional exposure in the internet age? ALSO: WE NEED YOUR STORIES! As part of The High Low Experience, we want to include your best stories: your funniest, saddest, weirdest, most shocking, interesting, moving - stories that have been passed down/ along through friends, family, the pub. Please e-mail: [email protected]. Send us your best yarns. Recommendations She Said, by Jodi Kantor and Megan Twohey   Know My Name, by Chanel Miller (out Sept 24th)   The White Album by Joan Didion  Bolder by Helen Cathcart and Dominique Afacan The story of Caroline Calloway and her ghost writer, Natalie Beach, for The Cut   The complicated ethics of publishing personal essays online, by Micha Frazer-Carroll for gal-dem   The con-artist and her mark, by Sarah Ditum for The Guardian   An interview with Natalie Beach, by Jonah Engel Bromwich for The New York Times   The pain of clearing out my parents' house, by Janice Turner for The Times   Interview with Kantor and Twohey on NPR's Fresh Air   For information regarding your data privacy, visit