Getting Your 'Ducks" In A Row...

The High Performance Stylist Podcast - A podcast by David Barnett


This is not a time to bury your head in the sand and hope that everything just happens to work out! This is a time to make sure you are clear on what you are entitled to from the government? What you are entitled to from the banks? And who are the people that can help and best advise you? We will all get through this period with minimal damage if we collect the correct information and apply for all the necessary benefits that are being mad available. If you are feeling completely over-whelmed and unsure about any of the grant and 0% loan "stuff", this episode should give you some clarity. Just spend a few hours working on the information and applications and very quickly you will have everything in place to insure you come out the other side of this with very little (if any) damage. If you have questions that I can help with please reach out through email or social media. If you would like an even deeper level of support I also invite you to join our HPS team so we can properly support you everyday. Here is the link: I know things seem very uncertain and unclear right now, but by sticking together as a community we will all get through this and our salons will be open and THRIVING again! Sending Love & Blessings, David.