What Does A Business Coach Do?

The High Performance Stylist Podcast - A podcast by David Barnett


"Coaches" of all descriptions seem to popping up everywhere since the invention of the internet. It use to be that coaches or consultants were only available for the Fortune 500 companies or businesses that were turning over Millions in revenue. Hiring a business coach was unheard of if you were a small, private business like a hair salon. But now there has been a "shift" and coaching has become a topic of conversation for salon owners and many other small businesses. So the question now becomes, "How do I know a good coach from a bad one?"  "What do they really do?" and "How do I know if I even need one?" So let me walk you through my experience of having a coach to help me with my business and life challenges. Then I'll explain how we operate in HPS and bring great value to the salons we coach. This is also the last opportunity you will have to join HPS Boot Camp! We will be slamming the doors on Sunday and hitting the ground running on Monday. You can still reserve your seat for the best 2 weeks of business coaching available in our industry by going to www.hpsbootcamp.com  Thanks as always for listening! With Gratitude, David.