Why You NEED Your Back Against The Wall (Sometimes).

The High Performance Stylist Podcast - A podcast by David Barnett


If you've been in business for any length of time, you've probably been in a situation where you feel your back is against the wall. You don't know how you got yourself into this situation and you have no idea how to get out of it! This maybe exactly how you've felt over the last few months? In this episode I talk about some of the toughest situations I've found myself in. I'm talking "sink or swim" situations where if I didn't figure things out VERY quickly I was finished! I now see these situations as a gift! Without them I wouldn't have had the success I've been able to achieve. Listen carefully and think of some of the situations in your life where, at the time, you thought it was GAME OVER, but now you realise it was a life-lesson that has truly served you. If you have a challenge in your business right now, please reach out to me, I'm always happy to hop on a call or advise in any way I can.  Email me at [email protected] or DM me on social @highperformancestylist . Have a Blessed Day, David.