Options: The More of Them You Have the Harder Success Becomes

The Higher Self with Danny Morel - A podcast by Danny Morel - Wednesdays

Most entrepreneurs aren’t able to fully commit and really work at their businesses because they have too many options. How do options affect your actions? What is the one thing all successful entrepreneurs do? On this episode, I talk about options and how they affect your success. Takeaways 80% of humans don’t know how to handle change. Employees are more likely to show up than independent contractors because they don’t have as many options. It’s so important to always learn, adjust and innovate. The one thing that makes it hard for a lot of entrepreneurs to show up, get to work on time and really put their all into their work is having too many options. If you can commit like you have nothing else, you will change everything and make your business grow. Learn to take control of the things you have influence over so you are not distracted from doing what you need to do for your family. tter.com/dannymorel