Dr. Rob Brown | Our Toxic Homes, Conscious Living, & Feng Shui

The Higherside Chats - A podcast by Greg Carlwood

Dr. Rob Brown is a long-time radiologist, as well as allopathic trained physician with a deep rooted passion for health and spiritual development. His education and life experience have brought him to the understanding that wellness is achieved by allowing the body to heal, rather than by taking medication to treat ailments. Allowing time each day for contemplative meditation as well as providing an environmental sanctuary for the body to rest and heal, are also essential to maintaining optimal health. By creating a harmonious, nurturing home with limited environmental contaminants, one will naturally be led to a balanced, healthy and fulfilling life. It’s this philosophy that drives the detailed and far-ranging material in his book, Toxic Home/Conscious Home: A Mindful Approach to Wellness at Home. Today he joins THC to talk about it. Enjoy!