Forrest Maready | The Moth In The Iron Lung, Metallic Medicine, & Industrial Chemicals

The Higherside Chats - A podcast by Greg Carlwood

***Join THC+ for full uninterrupted 2 hour episodes, a dedicated Plus RRS feed, lifetime forum access, merch discounts, & other bonuses like free downloads of THC music:  See detailed sign up options down below. About Today's Guest: Forrest Maready is an author, medical researcher, & historian who spent much of his life working in the television & film industry. He graduated from Wake Forest University with degrees in both Religion & Music. His books include: * Unvaccinated:Why growing numbers of parents are choosing natural immunity for their children. * Crooked:Man-Made Disease Explained: The incredible story of medicine, microbes, and metal—hidden within our faces. * The Moth in the Iron Lung: A Biography of Polio * The Autism Vaccine: The Story of Modern Medicine's Greatest Tragedy Check out these and more on his website, Follow him on Twitter @ForrestMaready. THC Links: Website: MeetUps: Merch Store: Leave a voicemail for the Joint Session Bonus Shows: Leave us an iTunes review: THC Communities:  Telegram: Subreddit: Discord: THC Plus Sign-Up Options: Subscribe via our website for a full-featured experience: Subscribe via Patreon, including the full Plus archive, a dedicated RSS feed, & payment through Paypal:: To get a year of THC+ by cash, check, or money order please mail the payment in the amount of $96 to: Greg Carlwood PO Box: 153291 San Diego, CA 92195 Cryptocurrency If you’d like to pay the $96 for a year of THC+ via popular Cryptocurrencies, transfer funds and then send an email to [email protected] transaction info and your desired username/password. Please give up to 48 hours to complete. Bitcoin: 1AdauF2Mb7rzkkoXUExq142xfwKC6pS7N1 Ethereum: 0xd6E9232b3FceBe165F39ACfA4843F49e7D3c31d5 Litecoin: LQy7GvD5Euc1efnsfQaAX2RJHgBeoDZJ95 Ripple: rnWLvhCmBWpeFv9HMbZEjsRqpasN8928w3