147: Archiving Black Life with Rebecca Adams
The History Hotline - A podcast by Deanna Lyncook

This week I'm joined by Rebecca Adams, archivist at the Stuart Hall Archives housed at the University of Birmingham. We talk about the importance of archiving Black life in Britain and how it informs our historical research. The life of the educational psychologist Mollie Hunte and why she remains relatively unknown despite her tremendous contribution to British society. We also talk about access and the way you as members of the public can engage with the archives to conduct your own research.Rebecca: Instagram (@rebeccaadarchivi), Twitter (@rebeccarchivist)Stuart Hall Archives: Instagram (@StuartHallAP), Twitter (@StuartHallAP)Follow us on social media and keep up with what we're up to.The live podcast festival at the Imperial War Museum has been cancelled, contact the IWM if you have any issues of queries with ticket refunds.