173: A Forgotten Campaign

The History of Egypt Podcast - A podcast by Dominic Perry - Fridays

To Vile Carchemish. In Year 16, King Horemheb may have led a "campaign of victory" to the far north. An artefact identified in the 1970s, but lost for decades, testifies to these events... but what do they mean? Episode details: Date: c.1316 BCE. Website: www.egyptianhistorypodcast.com. Support the show via Patreon www.patreon.com/egyptpodcast. Make a one-time donation via PayPal payments.  Music intro: Keith Zizza. Music interludes and outro: Luke Chaos. Logo: Horemheb smiting prisoners before Ptah. Metropolitan Museum of Art. Select Bibliography: A. Ahrens, ‘New Light on the Amarna Period from the Northern Levant: A Clay Sealing with the Throne Name of Akhenaten/Amenhotep IV from the Royal Palace at Tall Mišrife/Qatna, in: Zeitschrift für Orient-Archäologie 5 (2012): 232-248’, Zeitschrift für Orient-Archäologie 5 (2012), 232—248. A. Ahrens, ‘Pharao Haremhab und die nördliche Levante. Bemerkungen zu einem Skarabäenabdruck aus Tell Mišrife/Qatna, in: Ugarit-Forschungen 45, In memoriam Oswald Loretz (2014): 1-9’, Ugarit-Forschungen 45 (2014), 1—9. E. Devecchi and J. L. Miller, ‘Hittite-Egyptian Synchronisms and their Consequences for Ancient Near Eastern Chronology’, in J. Mynářová (ed.), Egypt and the Near East – The Crossroads (Prague, 2011), 139—176. H. Gauthier, Dictionnaire des noms géographiques contenus dans les textes hiéroglyphiques (Paris, 1925). R. Gautschy, ‘A Reassessment of the Absolute Chronology of the Egyptian New Kingdom and its “Brotherly” Countries’, Egypt and the Levant 24 (2014), 141—158. N. Grimal, ‘L’offrande d’un vétéran de l’an 16 d’Ḥoremḥeb’, Comptes rendus de l’Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-lettres (Paris) (2018), 319—338. B. Lagarce-Othman, ‘Un nouveau vase inédit d’Horemheb’, in V. Matoïan and M. al-Maqdissi (eds), Études Ougaritiques III, Ras Shamra–Ougarit XXI (Leuven, 2013), 347—364. V. Matoïan, ‘Ugarit et l’Égypte: essai d’interprétation de la documentation archéologique et perspectives de la recherche’, in B. Eder and R. Pruzsinszky (eds), Policies of Exchange Political Systems and Modes of Interaction in the Aegean and the Near East in the 2nd Millenium B.C.E, Proceedings of the International Symposium at the University of Freiburg Institute for Archaeological Studies, 30th May – 2nd June 2012, 2 (Vienna, 2015), 35—84. J. L. Miller, ‘Amarna Age Chronology and the Identity of Nibḫururiya In the Light of a Newly Reconstructed Hittite Text’, Altorientalische Forschungen 34 (2007), 252—293. D. B. Redford, ‘New Light on the Asiatic Campaigning of Ḥoremheb’, Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 211 (1973), 36—49. D. B. Redford, ‘A Head-Smiting Scene from the 10th Pylon’, in M. Görg (ed.), Fontes Atque Pontes. Eine Festgrabe für Hellmut Brunner (Wiesbaden, 1983), 362—373. Z. Simon, ‘Kann Armā mit Haremhab gleichgesetzt werden?’, Altorientalische Forschungen 36 (2009), 340—348. G. Wilhelm, ‘Muršilis II. Konflikt mit Ägypten und Haremhabs Thronbesteigung’, Die Welt des Orients 39 (2009), 108—116. J. A. Wilson, ‘Egyptian Historical Texts’, in J. B. Pritchard (ed.), Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament with Supplement (1978), 227–64. W. Wreszinski, Atlas zur altaegyptischen Kulturgeschichte (Geneva, 1988). Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices