181: Living Out of Love (Advent Series #2) with Rebekah Hargraves (Solo Episode #36)

The Home and Hearth Podcast - A podcast by Rebekah Hargraves: Blogger, Podcaster, Author

This week we are kicking off week 2 of our  brand new solo podcast series, this one based on a book I wrote a few years back entitled "Good News for a Woman's Heart: An Advent Devotional Study".   Today we are focusing on week 2 of the study, which centers on living out of the love we have in Christ. What I Chat about in Today’s Episode: ~An in-depth look at Mary's life and what we can learn from her example ~Why studying Mary's story is a great way to commemorate the Advent week of love ~How love, and not legalism, is the only thing that can motivate and lead to heart change ~Mary's background ~The amazing reality that Mary was theologically trained and knowledgeable in a culture when women typically were not; how God's kindness and grace shines forth in this reality - He was equipping her for His call on her life ~How Mary's theology was what enabled her to respond the way she did to the angel's announcement ~The comforting truth that the Lord equips and prepares us for any call He has for us  ~Mary's response ~Mary's theology ~Mary's worship ~The difference between your worship of God only ever coming from a place of what you've received from Him and worshipping God simply for Who He is  ~Becoming modern-day Marys ~What Mary's Song (Mary's Magnificat) teaches us about worship and theology  ~The importance of living loved if we want to love well ~Understanding that we can walk forward in joy, rest, and trust no matter what we are facing in this season ~And more! For full show notes, head to www.hargraveshomeandhearth.com/podcast