Episode 69 - Rising Thoughts with Emily Dickinson

The Hopeful Humanist Cafe - A podcast by Hopeful Humanist

Where do thoughts come from?  In episode 69, we turn to a poem from the American Poet Emily Elizabeth Dickinson (Dec. 10, 1830 to May 15, 1886) where she shares her experience of an arising thought.  It is a beautiful poem. The poem provides one with the opportunity to become aware of one's thinking mind and it's relationship to one's observing mind.  As some are more visual learners than others, here is her untitled creation:  A thought went up my mind to-day That I have had before, But did not finish,–some way back, I could not fix the year, Nor where it went, nor why it came The second time to me, Nor definitely what it was, Have I the art to say. But somewhere in my soul, I know I’ve met the thing before; It just reminded me–‘t was all– And came my way no more. -Emily Dickinson At the end of the episode, I have included some bonus material. Something extra from Danielson, a regular Hopeful Humanist Café guest, and the first beat I have ever created called, "Outdoor Playfulness."  Both "sharings" utilized free digital audio tools from the online music platform called, "Soundtrap."  I hope you enjoy the listening experience.  Resources: 1) Want to create a background musical ambience for your outpourings of poetry, check out this resource: https://www.soundtrap.com/ 2) Interested in understanding more about the "Default Mode Network?" Check-out this video:(157) Autopilot Mode, the Brain and Mindfulness (The Default Mode Network) #LewisPsychology - YouTube 3) Need strategies to stand up to intrusive thoughts, check out this book by Russ Harris called, "The Happiness Trap."  Find it at your local library or possibly get a free audio copy via Amazon by clicking here: The Happiness Trap: How to Stop Struggling and Start Living (Audible Audio Edition): Russ Harris, Russ Harris, Shambhala Publications: Amazon.ca: Books . This book in itself, is another episode waiting for the making.   4) Take a trip to your local library to pick up a book of poems by Emily Dickinson.  If you want to own your own copy, you can click this Amazon link: The Essential Emily Dickinson : Dickinson, Emily: Books - Amazon Related Episodes: 1) Episode 57 - BOOMPF …”It’s Create a Word Day!” (hopefulhumanistcafe.com) 2) Episode 59 - ”Audio Sound Blot” - Lot#1 Growing Old & Sardines (hopefulhumanistcafe.com) - both episodes are all about leaning into creative play ... I especially enjoyed the audio sound blot creation and imagine more might come now that I discovered Soundtrap.  Is it time to unleash your creative spirit?  When we do creative things, it seems as it fun is not too far away!   A Parting Salutations: Thank-you for joining me for another meeting of the mind. Here I would like to  leave you with the invitation to think about the benefits of bringing a little more poetry into your life.  Express yourself! As always, the conversation is ongoing and continuous.  If you think you might benefit from working with a Self-Care Life Coach, please visit my website at Soundcarelifecoaching - Self-Care - Kitchener, Ontario to learn more.  You can start the process by emailing me at [email protected].  Peace, take care, be well, and share The Hopeful Humanist -