Slow Hands - House of Disco Guestmix
The House of Disco - HODcast - A podcast by The House of Disco

Todays houseguest is the New York Slo-mo (although he’ll hate that) producer Slow Hands. Not to be pidgeon-holed by his name he’s not all 90bpm’s. His edits and remixes seem to track his music interest, touching on tracks that obviously hold a place in his musical past. You certainly couldn’t refer to Slow Hands as a predictable producer or even Dj, its apparent from listening to his productions, remix’s and Dj sets that this is a man who likes to push the boat out and then when its gone a safe distance blow it to bits with blatant disregard to anti-dynamite fishing laws. He tackles really tough to touch subject matter in his edits such as Led Zeppelin and Sufjan Stephens but he not only does it well he makes them memorable by not relying on the original but more by plundering elements to use as familiar bricks in an entirely new production. Having previously released on Wolf + Lamb Slow Hands is nestled right into the Wolf + Lamb family in New York and has a dedication that a lot of those artists seem to possess, perhaps they encourage each other, or compete with each other, star-sign dependant. He put out an impressive 17 Podcasts last year but this is the first non live output in 6 months and by the sounds of things he’s been sitting on some serious golden eggs. His guestmix today is a varied journey of twists and sudden turns, setting the tone wonderfully from the get go with a John Talabot edit. In fact 2/3 of all the tracks in this mix are remix’s, but thats neither here nor there. The arrival of Appaloosa – Patchwork (Bostro Pesopeo Remix) is when the tone is really set for what to expect, and that is to not know what to expect next. A real surprise was the inclusion of a Dj Harvey remix of a Canyons track. I’ve always preferred the Mic Newman version but the Harvey remix seems to sit perfectly in this mix, making me question my earlier convictions. The highlight for me however was the pairing of Jonas Rathsman – Feeling You into Pete Herbert/Golden Fleece – Ivory Waves (Sare Havlicek Remix). Neither track I’d heard before (yikes) but both I instantly nabbed. A lot of Dj’s in this style play good music but they should consider the ante upped!