508 – Bad Bosses Ruin Lives, Great Bosses Enrich Lives
The How of Business - How to start, run & grow a small business. - A podcast by Henry Lopez - Mondays

How Bad Bosses ruin lives and Great Bosses enrich lives and lead the growth of a small business, with guest Debra Corey. Show Notes page: https://www.thehowofbusiness.com/507-debra-corey-bad-bosses/ Debra Corey is back on the show to share insights and highlights from her new book, “Bad Bosses Ruin Lives - The Building Blocks for Being a Great Boss” about how to avoid being a bad boss that can ruin lives and instead learn how to be a great boss that enriches lives of our small business staff and leaders. Debra is a highly experienced and award-winning HR consultant, world-class speaker, and six-time best-selling author who has been named as one of the top 101 global employee engagement influencers. Henry Lopez is the host of The How of Business podcast – helping you start, run and grow your small business. The How of Business is a top-rated podcast for small business and entrepreneurs. Find the best podcast, resources and trusted service partners for small business owners and entrepreneurs at our website https://TheHowOfBusiness.com