Ben Cattaneo on Decision-Making (Part Two)

The Human Risk Podcast - A podcast by Human Risk

What goes into human decision-making? If you listened to the previous episode of the show with Dr Melina Moleskis on decision-making, then you’ll know what’s coming next.   If you didn’t, then don’t worry; you can listen to that after this.My guest on this episode is Ben Cattaneo, a friend of the show and the founder of The Decision-Making Studio, a startup that helps clients to make better decisions. In our discussion, we pick up some of the themes I discussed with Melina and explore others. Since Ben’s background is in risk — he hosts the All Things Risk podcast — we explore how, in an uncertain world, making good decisions is critical. On the episode, you'll hear about: Ben's experiences of founding The Decision Making Studio;the importance of integrating human elements into decision-making processes;the FOCUS framework for improving decision quality;the need to blend art and science in making decisions;the flaws in classic MBA case studies for teaching decision-making and the benefits of looking at less-known examples for deeper insights;the need to shift towards embracing uncertainty as a natural part of decision-making;the complexity and importance of decision-making in both personal and organizational contexts.and much more.Resources Part One of this series with Dr Melina Moleskis on Decision-Making: Blockbuster Netflix story: Comedian Des Bishop on Mindfulness: James Clear on Tattoos, Haircuts & Hats: You can find Ben via his Decision Making Studio website: Ben’s All Things Risk podcast is available on all platforms and here: The episode of his show featuring Paula Reid who cycled across Ukraine: The Decision-Making Studio Ben’s Decision Reaction Videos are available via his account on LinkedIn: The specific episodes he refers to on the show: Mark Gilmour’s race in Morocco: The movie ‘Gung Ho’: