Dr Melina Moleskis on Decision-Making (Part One)

The Human Risk Podcast - A podcast by Human Risk

What is decision science, and how can it help us to make better decisions?On this episode, I'm joined by decision-making expert Dr Melina Moleskis, who explains how she combines decision science and behavioural science to help her clients make better decisions.In a wide-ranging discussion, we explore:how decision-making education is often overlooked in schools and businesses;why decisions are swayed by various behavioural factors and how we can recognise them;the power of AI to help provide alternative perspectives and aid decision-making;the importance of judging decisions by process, not outcome;why we should celebrate and learn from failure;the importance of practising decision-makingand much, much more.ResourcesTo find out more about Melina, her company Meta Decisions and her wonderful newsletter: https://www.meta-decisions.com/Melina on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/melinamoleskis/My post on British Airways' 'Mistake of the Month' policy: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/humanrisk_ethics-compliance-speakup-activity-7151475397551902720-j3OW?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop