Paul Dornan on being truly funny

The Human Risk Podcast - A podcast by Human Risk

What does it mean to be truly funny? We often associate the word ‘funny’ with comedy and making people laugh. But it can also mean being witty, incisive ironic, playful, teasing, or delivering little moments of truth. On this episode, I’m speaking to comedy writer Paul Dornan, whose new company, True Funny, helps people discover what makes them funny — in the loosest sense of the word — and how they can maximise that in the way they present themselves. Not to make them artificially funny in an [inster funny joke here] type way, but naturally and authentically.In our discussion, we explored how Paul came to become a comedy writer, working with comedy legend Barry Humphries. He explains how comedy was an inherent part of his family and how that led him to his career. We explore what makes comedy work and why being funny is all about being human.Paul shares some of his thoughts about how being more authentic can make us more engaging and how the increasing power of cognitive technology means we all need to be more human.To find out more about Paul and his company, True Funny: our discussion, Paul referred to a number of comedians and comedy shows:Barry Humphries and Barry’s comedy alter ego Dame Edna Everage: clip that Paul referred to where Dame Edna speaks to former UK Prime Minister Ted Heath. Read this explanation first then watch the clip here: Cambridge Footlights: Python: Cook: Coleman: Carr: Boy, a character from the TV show ‘Only Fools & Horses’: Gervais, the creator of the TV series ‘The Office’: Brown’s Boys;