Philippa White on Leadership Lessons

The Human Risk Podcast - A podcast by Human Risk

What is it that makes a job enjoyable and fulfilling?  While you’re likely to have your own very individual answers to that question, chances are it’ll be to do with what you’re required to do, how much freedom you have, whether you think it’s worthwhile and how well it plays to your skillsets and interests. Yet, all too often, companies focus more on profit and less on creating environments that truly allow people to flourish. My guest on this episode, Philippa White, thinks things can be done differently. She’s the founder of TIE Leadership and the author of a brand new book, Return on Humanity: Leadership lessons from all corners of the world. In her work and in her book, she argues that it’s possible and desirable to chart a new course—one that recognizes our shared humanity as the ultimate driver of innovation, resilience, and satisfaction in the workplace. If that sounds idealistic, it is, but it’s also realistic.In our discussion, we explore:Philippa's career and what led her to do what she does now, including a fascinating story about a member of her own family;How experiential learning can help people to recognise their own strengths and weaknesses;The TIE leadership approach and the benefits this brings;Why leadership that focuses on humans over profits is more sustainable and will yield better results;And much, much more.LinksTo discover more about Phillippa, TIE Leadership, and her book 'Return on Humanity': www.tieleadership.comTo hear her TIE Unearthed podcast:  Ernesto Soroli's TED Talk on the Italians and the Zambian Hippos: