Professor Yuval Feldman on Trust & Voluntary Compliance

The Human Risk Podcast - A podcast by Human Risk

What role does Trust play in Compliance? What is Voluntary Compliance and how effective is it?This episode sees the return of the very first guest I ever had on the podcast, Professor Yuval Feldman of Bar-Ilan University in Israel. I asked Yuval to help me launch the show because his book “The Law Of Good People’ was a major influence on my human risk work. So, as we approach the 200th episode of the show, I wanted to get him back to say thank you for all that he’s inspired and because I know that COVID has provided him with some amazing opportunities to further his research. Not only has he been helping the Israeli government to manage its response to the pandemic, but he’s also been able to find ways to use live under COVID as a large-scale field experiment.In the show, we talk about the lessons Yuval has learned from his work during COVID, and his new book on Public Trust. He also shares his insights into his own experiences of compliance. We also discuss the project for which he was recently awarded European Research Council Grant on the subject of "Generating Voluntary Compliance Across Doctrines and Nations: Integrating the Behavioural and Regulatory Aspects of Governments’ Ability to Trust the Public’s Cooperation, Ethicality and Compliance"Links to issues we discuss:Yuval’s first appearance on the show - book ‘The Law of Good People’ - faculty webpage - Katy Milkman of Wharton - Regulation by Ian Ayres & John Braithwaite - Law by Omri Ben-Shahar & Ariel Porat - blog by writer Ian Leslie that explores why Diversity & Inclusion teams should include people that don’t agree with D&I - can hear Ian’s appearance on this show here - research project Yuval did with Maryam Kouchaki and Francesca Gino about how the choice of language in a code of conduct impacts people’s responses to it- of his European Research Grant -