The Hunting Public - A podcast by The Hunting Public

Throughout our bowhunting careers all of us at THP have experimented with mechanical broadheads. In this episode, Aaron, Greg, Ranch Fairy, and I talk about our experiences shooting mechanical broadheads and what bad experiences ultimately made us change back to shooting fixed broadheads with heavier arrows. Along with our own personal experiences, we also talk about how we watched countless videos of deer being shot by the Midwest Whitetail prostaff with mechanical broadheads when editing footage when we worked there. After watching hundreds of shots frame by frame we learned a lot about the potential problems that mechanical broadheads can have. We hope that by talking about our experiences we can help others become more successful archery hunters. Topics Include: -stories from mechanical broadhead failure on perfectly placed shots -everyone's personal experiences with mechanical broadheads -the pros and cons of mechanical broadheads Ranch Fairy's YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/c/RanchFairy/videos?app=desktop THP MERCH - https://bit.ly/30ZC1rm - Get 10% off THP Merch w/Code THPPODCAST GoWild - Save 10% on orders w/code THP - https://bit.ly/3i4c15r OPTICS - 10% off Vortex Optics w/code THP10 - https://bit.ly/3AOdKDQ TURKEY CALLS - Get 10% off Woodhaven Calls w/coupon code - THP2022 - http://bit.ly/2IagiSe MAPPING - Get 20% Off OnX Hunt! Use promo code THP: https://bit.ly/3qCKryJ BOW ACCESSORIES - Get 20% off TROPHY RIDGE products w/code - THP21 - http://bit.ly/2Lol7Yx BOWS - Save 10% off all Bear Equipment w/code THP10 - http://bit.ly/2JW7OzP TICK REPELLANT - Learn about all Sawyer outdoor products - https://sawyer.com/lyme-disease/ TRAIL CAMERAS - Get 10% off Exodus Trail Cameras w/ code - THP10 - https://bit.ly/3lwNlpE GAME PROCESSING - MEAT! products - Free shipping on orders over $99 w/code - THP10 - https://bit.ly/2DzgTQ8v TREE SADDLES - Check out Tethrd saddles and platforms! - http://bit.ly/2Td2Wcr Follow us on Facebook at The Hunting Public Follow us on Instagram at The Hunting Public