Episdoe 423 - Louise Post of Veruca Salt
The Hustle - A podcast by Jon Lamoreaux

The 90s were the best time in music history for women that rocked. When punk went pop the alternative underground was full of killer rock bands fronted and driven by women, including Veruca Salt. Co-founders Louise Post and Nina Gordon made a big splash with hits like "Seether" and "Volcano Girls" and even after Nina left, Louise kept the band going for two more equally, if not harder edged, albums. Louise recently released her first solo album, Sleepwalker, which shows a lot of maturity and vulnerability but loses none of the songcraft. Louise talks about how the pandemic, marriage, children, and time brought out some of those vulnerabilities and a lot more. She's an inspiration. Enjoy! www.patreon.com/thehustlepod