Podcaster Panel: Does Cher Belong in the Rock Hall?
The Hustle - A podcast by Jon Lamoreaux

In this live and unedited panel discussion, Jon is joined by three friends and fellow podcasters to debate whether Cher, icon that she is, belongs in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Team NAY is made up of Jon and Scott Kummer of the 10 Junk Miles Podcast. Team YAY is Josh Fitzgerald of the Movies that Rock podcast and Nick Bambach of the Rock in Retrospect podcast. You like fireworks and hot takes? We have plenty. What say you, does Cher make the cut? https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ten-junk-miles/id977007408 https://shows.acast.com/movies-that-rock-the-podcast https://rockinretrospect.buzzsprout.com/