Hair Loss SOS: Strategies to Combat Hormonal Hair Problems in Women

The Imperfect PCOS Podcast - A podcast by Cory Ruth

Are you tired of feeling embarrassed or scared about your thinning hair? You're definitely not alone. As women, we experience massive hormonal shifts throughout our lives. From postpartum hair loss that affects a staggering 40 to 50% of women to the hair-related challenges caused by conditions like PCOS, which impacts 1 in 10 women of childbearing age, it's clear that this is a topic we need to address.   That's where Shab Caspara, the ultimate authority on healthy hair growth and scalp wellness, comes in. Listen in today as Shab, a trichologist aka hair loss expert, guides us through the maze of combating hair loss and the hormonal imbalances that fuel it.    You’ll walk away from this episode feeling empowered, knowing that there’s hope for your hair, even if you’ve tried every shampoo or supplement under the sun. Shab will help you get to the root of your hair loss, once and for all, so you can ditch money-wasting gimmicky products and embrace lifestyle changes that will actually transform your hair health.    Connect with Shab:   Instagram |   Podcast |    Get Expert Hair Growth Rec’s |   Connect with Cory:    Instagram |   Join the PCOS Thrive Hive and conquer your symptoms once and for all |