New Podcast Preview: Your Best True Story
The Independent Riot - A podcast by Independent Riot

Coming in January, Your Best True Story is a new podcast that celebrates all the spooky, unbelievable, hilarious, creepy, crazy, heartwarming, and/or thrilling true stories people have to tell.The show's concept is simple: our audience (you) can record and submit a story on pretty much any subject they want. Whether it's about someone finding God, finding wealth, finding bigfoot, or finding out their spouse of fifteen years is a blood-sucking lizard alien, we will play them on air and intelligently analyze them (and by "intelligently" we probably just mean "slightly intoxicated rambling").Best of all, there's even a chance you could win money! You can submit any sort of true story you want (paranormal, survival, funny, mysterious, near-death, etc) and if the audience votes yours as the best of the month, you'll not only win the month's cash prize, but be invited on the show for a more lengthy interview about your story. So go to to learn more, or call toll-free 888-548-7519 to record your best true story. You can also use this link to record directly from your computer, or you can also record an audio file on your phone or computer and email it to [email protected]. And even if you don't currently have a true story to tell, please make sure to subscribe to the show right now to be notified or when episodes start rolling out in January 2024. As you won't want to miss out on the fun, crazy, unbelievable, true tales, and our incredibly intelligent (read: slightly high or drunk, long-winded, uninformed) analysis of them.The new YOUR BEST TRUE STORY podcast, where you're the story!