Ep. 43: Reflecting the richness and diversity of our world in children's books with Namrata Tripathi, VP & Publisher of Kokila, an imprint of Penguin Random House

The Indian Edit - A podcast by Nitasha Manchanda

Have a kid? Know a kid? Were a kid? This final episode of 2020 is a must listen! Honored to have publishing powerhouse Namrata Tripathi (founder and publisher of Kokila Books) join me in this wonderful chat where she talks about the power of representation in children’s literature, how her international upbringing has shaped her, and what it’s like to create a picture book with His Holiness The Dalai Lama! Full conversation below, on your favorite podcast app, Spotify or iTunes and please take a second to rate us wherever you’re listening so the voices of these inspiring women can be heard all over the world!