Here is what you need to do if you just can't live without Microsoft 365

The [InfoSec] Stack - A podcast by Cleura


With the GDPR and the legal situation we have regarding data protection within the EU, we often talk about how difficult, if not impossible, it is to use some of the world's largest cloud services. The recent dilemma of the invalidation of the important, legal, mechanism - Privacy Shield - makes it all the more difficult. But what if one refuses to believe that there are any good alternatives? What if one firmly believes that the digital transformation can not be carried out with any other provider? Well, then one should probably, first and foremost, realise how much one is depending on one single supplier and think about how healthy that might be. First and far most from a business continuity perspective but also when it comes to ones' data subjects' personal integrity. But let's not be so negative all the time. We have really given this some thought and here are some tips for European companies who wants to, or just needs to, keep using Microsoft 365.